Advanced search
Image Title Entity Type Description Creation date
VV2021 find A41 Find vessel 2021-11-29
VV2021 find A40 Find burnt bone 2021-11-29
VV2021 find A39 Find burnt bone 2021-11-29
VV2021 find A38 Find burnt bone 2021-11-29
VV2021 find A37 Find burnt bone 2021-11-29
VV2021 find A36 Find burnt bone 2021-11-29
VV2021 find A35 Find burnt bone 2021-11-29
VV2021 find A34 Find burnt bone 2021-11-29
VV2021 find A33 Find burnt bone 2021-11-29
VV2021 find A32 Find melt 2021-11-29
VV2021 find A31 Find vessel 2021-11-29
VV2021 find A30 Find vessel 2021-11-29
VV2021 find A29 Find fragment 2021-11-29
VV2021 find A28 Find vessel 2021-11-29
VV2021 find A27 Find metal object 2021-11-29
VV2021 find A26 Find metal object 2021-11-29
VV2021 find A25 Find vessel 2021-11-29
VV2021 find A24 Find vessel 2021-11-29
VV2021 find A23 Find knife blade 2021-11-29
VV2021 find A22 Find vessel 2021-11-29
VV2021 find A21 Find vessel 2021-11-29
VV2021 find A19 Find fragment 2021-11-29
VV2021 find A18 Find fragment 2021-11-29
VV2021 find A17 Find clip scrap 2021-11-29
VV2021 find A16 Find foil figurine 2021-11-29
VV2021 find A15 Find loop holder 2021-11-29
VV2021 find A14 Find vessel 2021-11-29
VV2021 find A13 Find vessel 2021-11-29
VV2021 find A12 Find vessel 2021-11-29
VV2021 find A11 Find teeth Cattle - maxillary molar 2021-11-29
VV2021 find A9 Find metal object 2021-11-29
VV2021 find A8 Find vessel 2021-11-29
VV2021 find A7 Find vessel 2021-11-29
VV2021 find A6 Find daub 2021-11-29
VV2021 find A5 Find vessel 2021-11-29
VV2021 find A4 Find vessel 2021-11-29
VV2021 find A3 Find vessel 2021-11-29
VV2021 find A2 Find fragment 2021-11-29
VV2021 find A1 Find vessel 2021-11-29
VV2021 feature 1 posthole Feature posthole Posthole consisting of one main cut and four fills 2021-11-26
VV2021 context 1031 Context (cut) cut Subcircular cut of posthole 2021-11-26
VV2021 context 1025 Context (fill/layer/deposit) layer 2021-11-23
VV2021 Sample 7 Sample environmental Sample from context 1039 (around find A30) (one bag) 2021-11-22
VV2021 Sample 6 Sample environmental Sample from context 1005 (one bag) 2021-11-22
VV2021 Sample 5 Sample environmental Sample from context 1039- lower level (two bags) ... 2021-11-22
VV2021 Sample 4 Sample environmental Sample from context 1039 (two bags) 2021-11-22
VV2021 Sample 3 Sample environmental Sample from context 1038 (two bags) 2021-11-22
VV2021 Sample 2 Sample environmental Sample from context 1040 (two bags) 2021-11-22
VV2021 Sample 1 Sample environmental Sample from context 1036, bottom of posthole 1031 (two ... 2021-11-22
VV2021 context 1046 Context (fill/layer/deposit) layer Sooty layer identified in 2021 extension of trench A, equal ... 2021-11-29
VV2021 context 1045 Context (fill/layer/deposit) layer Sterile soil 2021-11-23
VV2021 context 1037 Context (fill/layer/deposit) layer Patchy remains of clay floor 2021-11-23
VV2021 context 1036 Context (fill/layer/deposit) fill Infiltrated natural at the bottom of cut 1031 (feature 1 - p ... 2021-11-26
VV2021 context 1041 Context (fill/layer/deposit) layer Yellow sand underneath context 1037 2021-11-26
VV2021 context 1040 Context (fill/layer/deposit) layer Sooty patch in the SW corner of the trench 2021-11-26
VV2021 context 1039 Context (fill/layer/deposit) layer Dark grey loose layer  2021-11-23
VV2021 context 1044 Context (fill/layer/deposit) layer Patchy remains of a clay floor 2021-11-23
VV2021 Find A30 (3D model) 3D model find 3Dmodel model of find A30 in situ 2021-11-16
VV2021 Trench A on November 12 (3D model) 3D model terrain The 3D model of trench A on November the 12th, 2021, 2021-11-15
VV2021 Trench A on November 12 at the end of excavation(3D model) 3D model terrain The 3D model of trench A on November the 12th, 2021, at the ... 2021-11-15
VV2021 Trench A on November 11 (3D model) 3D model terrain The 3D model of trench A on November the 11th 2021 2021-11-11
VV2021 context 1042 Context (cut) cut the context 1042 consists of a cut made in the context 1005, ... 2021-11-11
VV2021 context 1038 Context (fill/layer/deposit) fill the context 1038 was located in the south est corner of tren ... 2021-11-11
VV2021 Find A15 and A21 3D model find 3Dmodel Model of  find A15_A21 in situ 2021-11-11
VV2021 Find A14 (3D model) 3D model find 3Dmodel model of find A14 in situ 2021-11-11
VV 2021 context 1043 Context (fill/layer/deposit) fill context 1043 is a silty clay layer that consists of roo ... 2021-11-11
VV2021 Trench A on November 10 (3D model) 3D model terrain The 3D model of trench A on November the 10th 2021 2021-11-11
VV2021 Trench A on November 9_3 (3D model) 3D model terrain The 3D model of trench A on November the 9th 2021 (3) ... 2021-11-09
VV2021 Find A3 and A4 (3D model) 3D model find 3Dmodel model of find A3 and A4 in situ 2021-11-09
VV2021 Trench A on November 9_2 (3D model) 3D model terrain The 3D model of trench A on November the 9th 2021 (2) ... 2021-11-09
VV 2021 context 1001 Context (fill/layer/deposit) layer Topsoil previosly scavated 2012 one square meter escavated d ... 2021-11-09
VV2021 Trench A on November 9 (3D model) 3D model terrain The 3D model of trench A on November the 9th 2021 2021-11-09
VV2021 context 1013 Context (fill/layer/deposit) layer Sooty layer of burnt material and silt containing many of th ... 2021-11-09
VV 2021 context 1005 Context (fill/layer/deposit) layer Brownish yellow silty sand layer. Clay sand  was identi ... 2021-11-09
VV2021 Trench A on November 8 (3D model) 3D model terrain The 3D model of trench A on November the 8th 2021 2021-11-08
VV2021 Trench A on November 7 (3D model) 3D model terrain The 3D model of trench A on November the 7th 2021 2021-11-07
VV2021 Trench A Investigation area excavation trench Trench A excavated in 2021 2021-11-08
Västra Vång campaign 2021 Investigation campaign research investigation The excavation campaign carried out eastside of the hill of ... 2021-11-08
11. VV2019 Trench A Middle part; context 1034 (posthole fill 3) Paragraph Below context 1030, a lower fill of the posthole (context 10 ... 2021-11-07
10. VV2019 Trench A Middle part; context 1030 (posthole fill 2) Paragraph Context 1030 was identified below context 1006. The context ... 2021-11-07
8. VV2019 Trench A Middle part; context 1013 finds Paragraph Finds A97 and A98 were retrieved in block from context 1013. ... 2021-11-07
9. VV2019 Trench A Middle part; context 1006 (posthole fill 1) Paragraph During the 2017 campaign, a subcircular feature (1006) was i ... 2021-11-06
7. VV2019 Trench A Middle part; context 1013 Paragraph Context 1013 was exposed below the floor layer 1022. It cons ... 2021-11-05
6. VV2019 Trench A Middle part; contexts 1022 and 1019 Paragraph Context 1022 was partially excavated during the campaign of ... 2021-11-05
5. VV2019 Trench A North part; contexts 1020 and 1035 Paragraph One square meter of context 1020 was excavated two meters so ... 2021-11-05
4. VV2019 Trench A North part; context 1020 Paragraph Context 1020 was exposed below contexts 1016, 1017, and 1021 ...
VV2019 Trench A on August 26 and 27 merged(3D model) 3D model terrain The 3D model obtained by merging the models of trench A on A ... 2021-11-03
2. VV2019 Trench location and extension Paragraph Trench A was placed matching the location of Trench A f ... 2021-11-02
1. VV2019 Aims, Methods and Implementation Paragraph The aim of the camping of 2019 was to enhance the results of ... 2021-11-02
VV2019 report 3 Trench A Report 2021-11-02
VV2019 context 1034 Context (fill/layer/deposit) fill Fill of clayey silt. The lowest fill of the posthole exposed ... 2021-10-28
VV2019 context 1035 Context (fill/layer/deposit) layer Sandy gravely layer below context 1020. Possibly natural or ... 2021-10-28
VV2019 Find M083 Find foil figurine 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find M082 Find foil figurine 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find H009 Find melt 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find H081 Find droplet 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find H080 Find ring 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find H008 Find clip scrap 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find H079 Find tread 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find H007 Find clip scrap 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find H006 Find melt 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find H057 Find clip scrap 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find H056 Find tin plate 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find H055 Find tin plate 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find H054 Find flat rod 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find H053 Find clip scrap 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find H052 Find melt 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find H051 Find foil figurine 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find H050 Find clip scrap 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find H005 Find melt 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find H049 Find foil figurine 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find H048 Find melt 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find H047 Find clip scrap 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find H046 Find clip scrap 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find H045 Find clip scrap 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find H044 Find metal object 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find H043 Find clip scrap 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find H042 Find clip scrap 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find H041 Find clip scrap 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find H040 Find clip scrap 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find H004 Find melt 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find H039 Find clip scrap 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find H038 Find clip scrap 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find H037 Find clip scrap 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find H036 Find clip scrap 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find H035 Find clip scrap 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find H034 Find clip scrap 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find H033 Find tin plate 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find H032 Find tin plate 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find H031 Find clip scrap 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find H030 Find clip scrap 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find H003 Find slag 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find H029 Find melt 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find H028 Find clip scrap 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find H027 Find clip scrap 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find H026 Find tin plate 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find H025 Find foil figurine 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find H024 Find clip scrap 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find H023 Find clip scrap 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find H022 Find flat rod 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find H021 Find clip scrap 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find H020 Find clip scrap 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find H002 Find rivet 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find H019 Find coin 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find H018 Find clip scrap 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find H017 Find clip scrap 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find H016 Find foil figurine 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find H015 Find clip scrap 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find H014 Find clip scrap 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find H013 Find clip scrap 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find H012 Find clip scrap 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find H011 Find clip scrap 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find H010 Find foil figurine 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find H001 Find clip scrap 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find A099 Find clip scrap 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find A098 Find metal object 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find A097 Find metal object 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find A096 Find vessel 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find A095 Find foil figurine 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find A094 Find fragment 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find A093 Find vessel 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find A092 Find burnt bone 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find A091 Find vessel 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find A090 Find flat rod 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find A089 Find rivet 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find A088 Find vessel 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find A087 Find fragment 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find A086 Find vessel 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find A085 Find daub 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find A084 Find ring 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find A078 Find daub 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find A077 Find foil figurine 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find A076 Find vessel 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find A075 Find ring 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find A074 Find vessel 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find A073 Find fragment 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find A072 Find fragment 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find A071 Find foil figurine 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find A070 Find daub 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find A069 Find daub 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find A068 Find daub 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find A067 Find daub 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find A066 Find daub 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find A065 Find spiral 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find A064 Find foil figurine 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find A063 Find daub 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find A062 Find foil figurine 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find A061 Find foil figurine 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find A060 Find clip scrap 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find A059 Find clip scrap 2021-10-27
VV2019 find A058 Find foil figurine 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find A143 Find daub 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find A142 Find vessel 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find A141 Find burnt bone 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find A140 Find daub 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find A139 Find melt 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find A138 Find clip scrap 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find A137 Find vessel 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find A136 Find bead 2021-10-27
VV2019 Find A135 Find worked 2021-10-27