


4. VV2021 The southeastern part; contexts 1005, 1038 and 1042


After topsoil removal, context 1005 was identified. 1005 corresponds to the upper floor layer surface recorded in the west extension of the trench excavated during the campaigns of 2017 and 2019.
Similarly to the excavation of 1005 during the previous campaigns, several finds were recorded in situ and/or retrieved from the context (Finds A1, A2, A3, A15, A16, A17, A18, A19, A20, A22, A23, A24, A25, A26, A27, A28). These finds consisted mainly of copper-alloy and iron fragments interpreted as pieces of fragmented cauldrons. In addition, one gold foil figure (A16) and a piece of ceramics were retrieved.
Many of the cauldron fragments could possibly have been deposited in pits dug into the floor layer rather than in the floor layer itself. It was, however, difficult to distinguish proper pit cuts during the excavation of the floor layer. This could be due to the floor layer consisting of several thin floor layers, one or many of which could overlap the pit cuts.
One such pit was successfully recorded as cutting through the floor layer, context 1042. The pit had one fill, context 1038, which was composed of a dark-grey silty clay with inclusions of small pebbles, charcoal and larger stones. Several finds were retrieved from the pit fill. The finds consisted mainly of copper-alloy fragments interpreted as cauldron parts. In addition, a few fragments of burnt bone, daub and clip scrap in gold were also retrieved.
At the bottom of the pit cut find A14 was recorded as deposited beneath larger stones. This testifies to a depositional practice of fragmented cauldron parts in pits dug through the floor layer and then filled with stones.

Set 3DHop scene

Record creator

Date Created

April 21, 2023

Rights Holder

en LU


en CC-BY 4.0

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Items with "Paragraph(s): 4. VV2021 The southeastern part; contexts 1005, 1038 and 1042"
VV2021 report 4 Trench A


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