


1. VV2021 Aims, Methods and Implementation


The campaign of 2019 left several questions unanswered, specifically concerning the lower stratigraphy of the hill site. For this reason, a smaller excavation campaign, pinpointed at elucidating the thickness of the sooty organic layer and the depth, characteristics and stratigraphic position of the posthole, was executed in 2021.

The investigation area was delimited to the posthole and an area around the same covering 6 m2. This trench overlapped with previous excavations, but also include 1 m2 of as yet unexcavated area south of the posthole.


The trench (Trench A) opened within L1978:8860, RAÄ Hjortsberga 306 measured  6m2. Exposed contexts and finds were recorded in situ with Image-based-modeling. The excavation was then carried out with single-context method. Excavated fills and layers were dry-sieved. Sampling was made selectively and with the aim of future macro-fossil analysis.

Metal detection was systematically carried out within the predifined investigation area (L1978:8860). The retrieved finds were manually recorded using field maps and later digitized post-excavation. No detection points that were ascertained to be related to underlying archaeological contexts were excavated during the campaign.

The field- personnel consisted of a team from Blekinge museum and Lund University. Jonas Paulsson, Kula AB was responsible for and conducted the metal detection survey.  Additional total-station survey was made by Niclas Olsson, Blekinge mätservice and conservation work was conducted by Max Jahrehorn, OxiderAB. The find-list was compiled by Andreas Svensson, Lund University. Visual inspection analysis of ceramics and burnt clay was conducted by Torbjörn Brorsson, Kontoret för Keramiska Studier. Public mediation was focused on a continuous exhibition of artefacts at Kallvattenkuren, Ronneby Brunnspark. 

Action camera recording was carried out throughout the excavation within  the DIAD project  (Digital Integration Across Disciplines). The action cameras recorded audio and video of the archaeologists excavating the site.

Record creator

Date Created

April 21, 2023

Rights Holder

en LU


en CC-BY 4.0

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Items with "Paragraph(s): 1. VV2021 Aims, Methods and Implementation"
VV2021 report 4 Trench A


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