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Image Title Entity Type Description Creation date
Kämpinge Investigation site Kämpinge is a Mesolithic site located in southwestern S ... 2024-11-09
KMP2014 find A006 Find flint flint 2022-07-30
KMP2014 find A005 Find flint flint 2022-07-30
KMP2014 find A004 Find flint flint 2022-07-30
Fogelberg, Peter Person
Eriksson, Cecilia Person
Chaudhry, Mubarka Person
Rydh, Sara Person
Hedlund, Jakob Person
Roos-Bergman, Andreas Person
Cavka, Matea Person
Hector, Sofie Person
Lif, Linda Person
Fridh, Linnea Person
Andersson, Peter Person
Frankell, Emelie Person
Isberg, Anna Person
KMP2014 GIS data 01 GIS data lines 2022-07-19
Trench4 Investigation area shovel test trench4 2022-07-19
KMP2014 find A449 Find barrel lid slate disc
KMP2014 find A448 Find core axe core axe
KMP 2014 trench8 Investigation area shovel test Trench 8 was located in the northern part of the site. It wa ... 2022-06-27
KMP2014 trench 7 02 (3D model) 3D model terrain The second 3D model of trench 7 2022-06-27
KMP2014 trench 7 01 (3D model) 3D model terrain The first 3D model of trench 7 2022-06-27
KMP 2014 trench7 Investigation area shovel test Trench 7, a 2x2 meter area, was opened in the nothern part o ... 2022-06-27
KMP2014 find A450 Find amber pearl Amber pearl 2022-06-23
KMP2014 context 6003 Context (fill/layer/deposit) fill Fill of a possible pit? 2022-06-23
KMP2014 context 6002 Context (fill/layer/deposit) fill Fill of a possible pit? 2022-06-23
KMP2014 context 6001 Context (default) layer A constellation of flint axes and an amber artifacts. ... 2022-06-23
KMP2014 trench 6 04 (3D model) 3D model terrain The fourth 3D model of trench 6 2022-06-23
KMP2014 trench 6 03 (3D model) 3D model terrain The third 3D model of trench 6 2022-06-23
KMP2014 trench 6 02 (3D model) 3D model terrain The second 3D model of trench 6 2022-06-23
KMP2014 trench 6 01 (3D model) 3D model terrain The first 3D model of trench 6 2022-06-23
KMP 2014 trench6 Investigation area shovel test Trench 6 was positioned in the northeastern part of the inve ... 2022-06-23
KMP 2014 trench5 Investigation area shovel test Trench 5 was located in the northeast part of the site. It w ... 2022-06-23
KMP2014 trench 4 02 (3D model) 3D model terrain The second 3D model of trench 4  2022-06-23
KMP2014 trench 4 01 (3D model) 3D model terrain The first 3D model of trench 4  2022-06-22
KMP 2014 trench4 Investigation area shovel test In Trench 4, the moraine never appeared and the trench ended ... 2022-06-22
KMP 2014 trench3 Investigation area shovel test Trench 3 was located 15 meters into the field in the northwe ... 2022-06-22
KMP 2014 trench2 Investigation area shovel test Trench 2 was located north of trench 1, just at the edge of ... 2022-06-22
KMP 2014 trench1 Investigation area shovel test Trench 1 was located in the southern part of the site. The t ... 2022-06-22
Apel, Jan Person
Kämpinge 2014 Investigation campaign research investigation The excavation campaign took place between May and June 2014 ... 2022-06-22
Derudas, Paola Person