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Image Title Entity Type Description Creation date
Kämpinge Investigation site Kämpinge is a Mesolithic site located in southwestern S ... 2024-11-09
KMP2014 find A006 Find flint flint 2022-07-30
KMP2014 find A005 Find flint flint 2022-07-30
KMP2014 find A004 Find flint flint 2022-07-30
Fogelberg, Peter Person
Eriksson, Cecilia Person
Chaudhry, Mubarka Person
Rydh, Sara Person
Hedlund, Jakob Person
Roos-Bergman, Andreas Person
Cavka, Matea Person
Hector, Sofie Person
Lif, Linda Person
Fridh, Linnea Person
Andersson, Peter Person
Frankell, Emelie Person
Isberg, Anna Person
KMP2014 Paragraph test Paragraph Trench 6 was positioned in the northeastern part of the inve ... 2022-07-27
Test Kämpinge report Report 2022-07-27
test Report
KMP2014 GIS data 01 GIS data lines 2022-07-19
Trench4 Investigation area shovel test trench4 2022-07-19
KMP2014 find A449 Find barrel lid slate disc
KMP2014 find A448 Find core axe core axe
KMP 2014 trench8 Investigation area shovel test Trench 8 was located in the northern part of the site. It wa ... 2022-06-27
KMP2014 trench 7 02 (3D model) 3D model terrain The second 3D model of trench 7 2022-06-27
KMP2014 trench 7 01 (3D model) 3D model terrain The first 3D model of trench 7 2022-06-27
KMP 2014 trench7 Investigation area shovel test Trench 7, a 2x2 meter area, was opened in the nothern part o ... 2022-06-27
KMP2014 find A450 Find amber pearl Amber pearl 2022-06-23
KMP2014 context 6003 Context (fill/layer/deposit) fill Fill of a possible pit? 2022-06-23
KMP2014 context 6002 Context (fill/layer/deposit) fill Fill of a possible pit? 2022-06-23
KMP2014 context 6001 Context (default) layer A constellation of flint axes and an amber artifacts. ... 2022-06-23
KMP2014 trench 6 04 (3D model) 3D model terrain The fourth 3D model of trench 6 2022-06-23
KMP2014 trench 6 03 (3D model) 3D model terrain The third 3D model of trench 6 2022-06-23
KMP2014 trench 6 02 (3D model) 3D model terrain The second 3D model of trench 6 2022-06-23
KMP2014 trench 6 01 (3D model) 3D model terrain The first 3D model of trench 6 2022-06-23
KMP 2014 trench6 Investigation area shovel test Trench 6 was positioned in the northeastern part of the inve ... 2022-06-23
KMP 2014 trench5 Investigation area shovel test Trench 5 was located in the northeast part of the site. It w ... 2022-06-23
KMP2014 trench 4 02 (3D model) 3D model terrain The second 3D model of trench 4  2022-06-23
KMP2014 trench 4 01 (3D model) 3D model terrain The first 3D model of trench 4  2022-06-22
KMP 2014 trench4 Investigation area shovel test In Trench 4, the moraine never appeared and the trench ended ... 2022-06-22
KMP 2014 trench3 Investigation area shovel test Trench 3 was located 15 meters into the field in the northwe ... 2022-06-22
KMP 2014 trench2 Investigation area shovel test Trench 2 was located north of trench 1, just at the edge of ... 2022-06-22
KMP 2014 trench1 Investigation area shovel test Trench 1 was located in the southern part of the site. The t ... 2022-06-22
Apel, Jan Person
Kämpinge 2014 Investigation campaign research investigation The excavation campaign took place between May and June 2014 ... 2022-06-22
Derudas, Paola Person