



KMP 2014 trench6


Trench 6 was positioned in the northeastern part of the investigation area, just outside of the actual farm as it appears in the air photo from the middle of the 20th century (see photo). In this area of the site, we initially opened up a 2m x 2m trench. Immediately underneath a 0,35 m thick plow layer, a layer of light, sandy humus covered most of the trench floor (Layer 2). In the northeastern part of the investigation area, the hard and light silty layers that dominate further west, for instance, Trench 11, are missing. This is probably due to the fact that Trench 6 was positioned outside of the actual farm yard area (see air-photo). This layer was initially excavated in 1m2 digging units. The trench was carefully excavated with trowels

Record creator

Investigation site


Investigation dates

May 2014 – June 2014

Investigation technique


Model measure unit

en meter

Longitude shift


Latitude shift


Spatial reference system (EPSG)


Date Created

June 23, 2022

Rights Holder



en CC-BY 4.0

Linked resources

Items with "Investigation area: KMP 2014 trench6"
Kämpinge 2014
Items with "Investigation area: KMP 2014 trench6"
KMP2014 context 6001
Items with "Investigation area: KMP 2014 trench6"
KMP2014 context 6002
KMP2014 context 6003
Items with "Investigation area: KMP 2014 trench6"
KMP2014 find A004
KMP2014 find A005
KMP2014 find A006
KMP2014 find A448
KMP2014 find A449
KMP2014 find A450
Items with "Features represented: KMP 2014 trench6"
KMP2014 GIS data 01
Items with "Item represented: KMP 2014 trench6"
KMP2014 trench 6 01 (3D model)
KMP2014 trench 6 02 (3D model)
KMP2014 trench 6 03 (3D model)
KMP2014 trench 6 04 (3D model)


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Measured length
Coordinates (EPSG:3006)
[ 0 , 0 , 0 ]