SU 10036 represents the soil underlying SU 10014, the dark black, compact floor surface within the interior of the western walled structure (SUs 10043, 10044, 10045, 10046, and 10047). SU 10036 consisted of a floor constructed on a stone bedding built on top of a beaten earth surface (SU 10040). A thin layer of ceramic finds sat at the top of SU 10036, as if originally on a surface. Surface SU 10040 itself has mostly disappeared, with sparse whispers of it appearing in the southwest of the SU (photographed). Below the surface level was a layer of stones smaller than a fist (cobble sized, but with only a few rounded cobblestones) amid sandy soil, which was the same level as the foundation course of the wall. SU 10036 possessed a handful of iron and a bronze nails, as well as pottery and a large quantity of shells.