
en TS2022_c212


en TS2022 context 212

Context type

en deposit
en cut


en modern disturbed


en This is the bottom of the modern disturb of the trench. The cut cut through(to our knowledge by far neolithic context. The contexts below this cut remain unexcavated.

Excavation date

July 11, 2022

Record creator

Excavation technique

en trowel

Investigation area

Investigation site

en Toumba Serron

Context same as

en TS2022_012=TS2022_011

Location in the investigation area

en north west of the trench

Shape in plan

en linear


en 2

Height measure unit

en meter


en 1

Width measure unit

en meter


en 0,1

Depth measure unit

en meter

Excavated amount

en 0,5

Filled by

Cut corners

en square

Break of slope at the top

en gradual

Break of slope at the base

en sharp

Profile of slopes

en shallow

Shape of base

en Uneven


en EW

Date Created

July 2, 2023

Rights Holder

en Ephorate of Antiquities of Serres. Hellenic Ministry of Culture (Greece)
en University of York (UK)
en National Cheng Kung University (Taiwan)
en Lund University (Sweden)


en CC-BY 4.0

Linked resources

Items with "Contexts: TS2022 context 212"
TS Area 4 (G5)
Items with "Above: TS2022 context 212"
TS2022 context 211


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Measured length
[ 0 , 0 , 0 ]
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