carried out by is resource with ID 1221
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Image Title Entity Type Description Creation date
VV2019 context 1019 Context (fill/layer/deposit) layer thin layer of silt and gravel 2021-04-20
VV2017 context 1019 Context (fill/layer/deposit) layer gravely thin layer of moreine, stone and sand 2021-04-20
VV2017 context 1014 Context (fill/layer/deposit) layer brown sand with medium-sized stones 2021-04-20
VV2017 context 1012 Context (fill/layer/deposit) layer patch of fine sand 2021-04-12
VV2017 context 1007 Context (fill/layer/deposit) layer sand humus, few burnt bones fragments and few copper-alloy f ... 2021-04-20