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Image Title Entity Type Description Creation date
TARP2024 Wall Construction Unit 25 Context (stone structure) architecture
TARP2024 Wall Segment unkn2 StrB Context (stone structure) architecture
TARP2024_Wall Segment unkn StrB Context (stone structure) architecture
TARP2024 Wall Construction Unit 112 Context (stone structure) architecture
TARP2024 Wall Construction Unit no number Context (stone structure) architecture
TARP2024 Wall Construction Unit 89 Context (stone structure) architecture
TARP2024 Wall Construction Unit 65 Context (stone structure) architecture
TARP2024 Wall Construction Unit 24 Context (stone structure) architecture
TARP2024 Wall Construction Unit 23 Context (stone structure) architecture
TARP2024 Wall Construction Unit 19 Context (stone structure) architecture
TARP2024 Wall Construction Unit 14 Context (stone structure) architecture
TARP2024 Wall Construction Unit 12 Context (stone structure) architecture
TARP2024 Wall Construction Unit 11 Context (stone structure) stone construction
TARP2024 Wall Construction Unit 7 Context (stone structure) architecture
TARP2024 Wall Construction Unit 6 Context (stone structure) architecture
TARP2024 Wall Construction Unit 4 Context (stone structure) architecture
TARP2024 Wall Construction Unit 3 Context (stone structure) architecture
TARP2024 Wall Construction Unit 1 Context (stone structure) architecture 2024-07-02
TARP2024 Job 643 SU13037 SU13035 SU13029 3D model terrain 2024-07-01
TARP2024 Job 641 SU15035 3D model terrain 2024-07-01
TARP2024 Job 640 SU16001 3D model terrain 2024-07-01
TARP2024 Job 658 SU14012-13 3D model terrain 2024-07-01
TARP2024 Job 657 SU15045-46 SU15042 3D model terrain 2024-07-01
TARP2024 Job 656 SU13043-44 3D model terrain 2024-07-01
TARP2024 Job 655 SU13041 SU13043 3D model terrain 2024-07-01
TARP2024 Job 654 SU15040 SU15042-43 3D model terrain 2024-07-01
TARP2024 Job 653 SU16002 3D model terrain 2024-07-01
TARP2024 Job 652 SU14007 3D model terrain 2024-07-01
TARP2024 Job 651 SU15039-41 3D model terrain 2024-07-01
TARP2024 Job 650 SU11031 NoRock 3D model terrain 2024-07-01
TARP2024 Job 649 SU13041-42 3D model terrain 2024-07-01
TARP2024 Job 648 SU13038-40 3D model terrain 2024-07-01
TARP2024 Job 647 SU11031 3D model terrain 2024-07-01
TARP2024 Job 646 15036-38 SU15013 3D model terrain 2024-07-01
TARP2024 Job 645 SU13029 3D model terrain 2024-07-01
TARP2024 Job 644 SU14005-8 SU14010-11 3D model terrain 2024-07-01
TARP2023 Phase R10.99 Phase Report Stray Finds
TARP2023 Phase R10.9 Phase Report Post-Antique Abandonment
TARP2023 Phase R10.8 Phase Report Antique Abandonment
TARP2023 Phase R10.7 Phase Report Deconsecration / Magic Pot
TARP2023 Phase R10.6 Phase Report Changes to Structure I
TARP2023 Phase R10.5 Phase Report Creation of Structure I
TARP2023 Phase R10.4 Phase Report Sandstone Wall
TARP2023 Phase R10.3 Phase Report Late Quarrying and Infilling
TARP2023 Phase R10.2 Phase Report Pre-Roman Activity
TARP2023 Phase R10.1 Phase Report Natural Topography
TARP2023 Phase B10.5 Phase Beer Coaster
TARP2023 Phase B10.4 Phase Beer Coaster
TARP2023 Phase B10.2 Phase Beer Coaster
TARP2023 volumes test Context (default) deposit
TARP2024 Stratigraphic Unit 16001 Context (fill/layer/deposit) fill Topsoil 2024-06-28
TARP2024 Stratigraphic Unit 15050 Context (fill/layer/deposit) Fill Foundation bedding equiv 15015 2024-06-28
TARP2024 Stratigraphic Unit 15048 Context (fill/layer/deposit) Fill Fill in N extension below topsoil eqiuv to 15005 2024-06-28
TARP2024 Stratigraphic Unit 15047 Context (fill/layer/deposit) Fill Fill below large stones 15042 2024-06-28
TARP2024 Stratigraphic Unit 15046 Context (fill/layer/deposit) Fill Equiv to 15012-subfloor of small stones 2024-06-28
TARP2024 Stratigraphic Unit 15045 Context (fill/layer/deposit) Fill Northern extension topsoil 2024-06-28
TARP2024 Stratigraphic Unit 15044 Context (fill/layer/deposit) Fill Soil below 15009 equiv to 15013 2024-06-28
TARP2024 Stratigraphic Unit 15043 Context (fill/layer/deposit) Fill Yellow soil connecting eastern extension to 15010 2024-06-28
TARP2024 Stratigraphic Unit 15042 Context (fill/layer/deposit) Fill Large stone layer below tile collapse in central area 2024-06-28
TARP2024 Stratigraphic Unit 15041 Context (fill/layer/deposit) Fill Tile collapse in central portion equiv to 15021 2024-06-28
TARP2024 Stratigraphic Unit 15040 Context (fill/layer/deposit) Fill Surface in W area with red mortar inclusions 2024-06-28
TARP2024 Stratigraphic Unit 15039 Context (fill/layer/deposit) Fill Mortary agglomeration below 15029 2024-06-28
TARP2024 Stratigraphic Unit 15038 Context (fill/layer/deposit) Fill Compacted brown mortary soil below subsurface of 15035 2024-06-28
TARP2024 Stratigraphic Unit 15036 Context (fill/layer/deposit) Fill Mortary, compact gray soil fill below 15027 2024-06-28
TARP2024 Stratigraphic Unit 15035 Context (fill/layer/deposit) Fill Mortary beaten earth surface below 15033 2024-06-28
TARP2024 Stratigraphic Unit 15034 Context (fill/layer/deposit) Fill Large stone to east of 15006 2024-06-28
TARP2024 Stratigraphic Unit 15033 Context (fill/layer/deposit) Fill Mortar surface in central area of trench 2024-06-28
TARP2024 Stratigraphic Unit 15032 Context (fill/layer/deposit) Fill Fill below 15026 near western edge of trench 2024-06-28
TARP2024 Stratigraphic Unit 15031 Context (fill/layer/deposit) Fill Surface in Eastern extension below 15030 2024-06-28
TARP2024 Stratigraphic Unit 14013 Context (fill/layer/deposit) Fill Sandy yellow fill into 14012 2024-06-28
TARP2024 Stratigraphic Unit 14011 Context (fill/layer/deposit) fill Fill of cut 14010 2024-06-28
TARP2024 Stratigraphic Unit 14009 Context (fill/layer/deposit) fill Fill of foundation cut 14008 2024-06-28
TARP2024 Stratigraphic Unit 14007 Context (fill/layer/deposit) fill Fill of cut 14006 2024-06-28
TARP2024 Stratigraphic Unit 14004 Context (fill/layer/deposit) fill Yellow-red sand layer 2024-06-28
TARP2024 Stratigraphic Unit 13046 Context (fill/layer/deposit) fill fill with green clay and charcoal in SW corner 2024-06-28
TARP2024 Stratigraphic Unit 13045 Context (fill/layer/deposit) Fill Large stone fill in sandy brown in NW corner 2024-06-28
TARP2024 Stratigraphic Unit 13044 Context (fill/layer/deposit) Fill Orange brown fill in SW area 2024-06-28
TARP2024 Stratigraphic Unit 13043 Context (fill/layer/deposit) Fill Grey subfloor fill in NE corner of trench 2024-06-28
TARP2024 Stratigraphic Unit 13042 Context (fill/layer/deposit) architecture Fill into construction trench cut 13041 2024-06-28
TARP2024 Stratigraphic Unit 13040 Context (fill/layer/deposit) fill Subfloor fill into cut 13039 2024-06-28
TARP2024 Stratigraphic Unit 13038 Context (fill/layer/deposit) Fill Hard floor surface in sw area 2024-06-28
TARP2024 Stratigraphic Unit 13037 Context (fill/layer/deposit) Fill Yellow plaster deposit in SW corner 2024-06-28
TARP2024 Stratigraphic Unit 13036 Context (fill/layer/deposit) Fill Fill of foundation cut 13035 for WCU_16 2024-06-28
TARP2024 Stratigraphic Unit 11035 Context (fill/layer/deposit) Fill Plaster layer along south end of trench over block 11036 2024-06-28
TARP2024 Stratigraphic Unit 11034 Context (fill/layer/deposit) Fill Firm yellow layer with plaster facing 2024-06-28
TARP2024 Stratigraphic Unit 11033 Context (fill/layer/deposit) Fill Red compact layer on slope under 11027 2024-06-28
TARP2024 Stratigraphic Unit 11032 Context (fill/layer/deposit) Fill Red on upper NW bedrock section 2024-06-28
TARP2024 Stratigraphic Unit 11031 Context (fill/layer/deposit) Fill Firm layer in bottom middle between foundation blocks 2024-06-28
TARP2024 Stratigraphic Unit 11030 Context (fill/layer/deposit) fill Arbitrary level for massive fill in center of trench 2024-06-28
TARP2024 Stratigraphic Unit 11029 Context (fill/layer/deposit) Fill Fill between bedrock and block of SU 11027 2024-06-28
TARP2024 Stratigraphic Unit 15049 Context (stone structure) Architecture North south wall in eastern extension 2024-06-28
TARP2024 Stratigraphic Unit 15037 Context (stone structure) Architecture Stones forming a potential feature west of wall 15006 2024-06-28
TARP2024 Stratigraphic Unit 15051 Context (cut) Cut Cut through surface 15048 in eastern area 2024-06-28
TARP2024 Stratigraphic Unit 14012 Context (cut) Cut Cut into bedrock at SE 2024-06-28
TARP2024 Stratigraphic Unit 14010 Context (cut) Cut Round cut in SW corner 2024-06-28
TARP2024 Stratigraphic Unit 14008 Context (cut) cut Foundation cut at W edge 2024-06-28
TARP2024 Stratigraphic Unit 14006 Context (cut) Cut Cut into 14005 at SE corner 2024-06-28
TARP2024 Stratigraphic Unit 13041 Context (cut) Cut Construction trench cut at east for 13011 2024-06-28
TARP2024 Stratigraphic Unit 13039 Context (cut) Cut Cut at E edge of 13038 2024-06-28
TARP2024 Stratigraphic Unit 13035 Context (cut) Cut Cut into 13003 at north edge for foundation of WCU_16 2024-06-28
TARP2024 Stratigraphic Unit 13034 Context (cut) Cut Western circular cut for construction into SU 13016 2024-06-28
TARP2024 Job 639 SU11030 3D model terrain 2024-06-27
TARP2024 Job 638 SU14002 SU14005 SU14011 3D model terrain 2024-06-27
TARP2024 Job 637 SU13035-36 3D model terrain 2024-06-27
TARP2024 Job 636 SU15032-33 SU15029 SU15027 3D model terrain 2024-06-27
TARP2024 Job 635 SU13032 3D model terrain 2024-06-27
TARP2024 Job 634 SU15025-26 SU15028-30 SU15021 3D model terrain 2024-06-27
TARP2024 Job 633 SU14004 3D model terrain 2024-06-27
TARP2024 Job 632 12010-13 Close 3D model terrain 2024-06-27
TARP2024 Job 631 SU15021 SU15034 SU15013 3D model terrain 2024-06-27
TARP2024 Job 630 SU11013 SU11023 3D model terrain 2024-06-27
TARP2024 Job 629 SU13024 3D model terrain 2024-06-27
TARP2024 Job 628 SU14003 3D model terrain 2024-06-27
TARP2024 Temple Area Investigation area excavation trench 2024-06-27
TARP2023 Job 578 3D model terrain 2024-06-27
TARP2024 Trench 16000 Investigation area excavation trench
TARP2023 Job 489 3D model terrain 2024-06-26
TARP2023 Job 487 3D model terrain 2024-06-26
TARP2024 Job 600 12000 3D model terrain 2024-06-26
TARP2024 Stratigraphic Unit 13030 Context (default) Structural Fixture Drain at E extent of trench 2024-06-24
TARP2024 Stratigraphic Unit 11005 Context (fill/layer/deposit) Structural Fixture Plaster drain 2024-06-24
TARP2023 Stratigraphic Unit 9032 Context (default) Structural Fixture Tile alignment in Area C 2024-06-24
TARP2023 Stratigraphic Unit 9012 Context (default) Structural Fixture E wall of Drain 2 2024-06-24
TARP2023 Stratigraphic Unit 9011 Context (default) Structural Fixture W wall of Drain 2 2024-06-24
TARP2023 Stratigraphic Unit 8013 Context (default) Structural Fixture Tiled lining of Drain 3 2024-06-24
TARP2023 Stratigraphic Unit 8011 Context (default) Structural Fixture S wall of Drain 3 2024-06-24
TARP2023 Stratigraphic Unit 8010 Context (default) Structural Fixture N wall of Drain 3 2024-06-24
TARP2022 Stratigraphic Unit 5010 Context (default) Structural Fixture “Drain” 2024-06-24
TARP2022 Stratigraphic Unit 4031 Context (default) Structural Fixture West wall of drain 2024-06-24
TARP2022 Stratigraphic Unit 4030 Context (default) Structural Fixture East wall of drain 2024-06-24
TARP2022 Stratigraphic Unit 4002 Context (default) Structural Fixture Sandstone threshold 2024-06-24
TARP2021 Stratigraphic Unit 3009 Context (default) Structural Fixture Stones between SUs 3006 and 3008, possible drain floor? 2024-06-24
TARP2019 Stratigraphic Unit 2024 Context (default) Structural Fixture Block with circular cutting 2024-06-24
TARP2019 Stratigraphic Unit 2007 Context (default) Structural Fixture North threshold block 2024-06-24
TARP2019 Stratigraphic Unit 2006 Context (default) Structural Fixture North middle threshold block 2024-06-24
TARP2019 Stratigraphic Unit 2005 Context (default) Structural Fixture Southern middle threshold block 2024-06-24
TARP2019 Stratigraphic Unit 2004 Context (default) Structural Fixture South Threshold Block 2024-06-24
TARP2019 Stratigraphic Unit 1097 Context (default) Structural Fixture W: stairs east of threshold 1068 2024-06-24
TARP2019 Stratigraphic Unit 1068 Context (default) Structural Fixture W: threshold stone in western section 2024-06-24
TARP2019 Stratigraphic Unit 1066 Context (default) Structural Fixture E: threshold stone in eastern section 2024-06-24
TARP2024 Stratigraphic Unit 15004 Context (default) fill Collapse or fill between wall SU15006 and wall SU1500 ...
TARP2023 Stratigraphic Unit 10999 Context (default) Miscellaneous Surface finds from SA 10000
TARP2023 Stratigraphic Unit 9072 Context (default) Miscellaneous Modern concrete below drain 2
TARP2023 Stratigraphic Unit 9055 Context (default) fill Amphora in Area D
TARP2022 Stratigraphic Unit 7999 Context (default) Miscellaneous Context created by materials team for surface finds
TARP2022 Stratigraphic Unit 7011 Context (default) Miscellaneous Rubble pile in northern portion of trench
TARP2022 Stratigraphic Unit 7008 Context (default) Miscellaneous Large stone rubble collapse under SU 7005
TARP2022 Stratigraphic Unit 7005 Context (default) Miscellaneous Rubble collapse under abandonment accumulation
TARP2022 Stratigraphic Unit 6999 Context (default) Miscellaneous Context created by materials team for surface finds
TARP2022 Stratigraphic Unit 6020 Context (default) Miscellaneous Collapse layer 2
TARP2022 Stratigraphic Unit 6019 Context (default) Miscellaneous Tile layer
TARP2022 Stratigraphic Unit 6018 Context (default) Miscellaneous Loose brown layer with 3 large rocks
TARP2022 Stratigraphic Unit 6017 Context (default) Miscellaneous Rocky collapse layer
TARP2022 Stratigraphic Unit 5031 Context (default) Miscellaneous Compacted fill below 5015; same as 5043
TARP2022 Stratigraphic Unit 5018 Context (default) Miscellaneous Compacted surface in SW quadrant
TARP2022 Stratigraphic Unit 4027 Context (default) Miscellaneous Black basalt road in NW
TARP2022 Stratigraphic Unit 4012 Context (default) Miscellaneous Basalt curbstone
TARP2022 Stratigraphic Unit 4011 Context (default) Miscellaneous Basalt curbstone
TARP2022 Stratigraphic Unit 4010 Context (default) Miscellaneous Basalt curbstone
TARP2021 Stratigraphic Unit 3020 Context (default) Miscellaneous Soil south of 3019, east of 3017, west of 3011
TARP2021 Stratigraphic Unit 3018 Context (default) Miscellaneous Fill in the angle between 3011 and 3019
TARP2021 Stratigraphic Unit 3010 Context (default) Miscellaneous SE rock fall up to SU 3011
TARP2019 Stratigraphic Unit 2999 Context (default) Miscellaneous Surface Finds
TARP2019 Stratigraphic Unit 2016 Context (default) Miscellaneous Tile fall
TARP2019 Stratigraphic Unit 2012 Context (default) Miscellaneous Soil below rubble
TARP2019 Stratigraphic Unit 2002 Context (default) Miscellaneous Compacted topsoil and rubble fill
TARP2019 Stratigraphic Unit 1999 Context (default) Miscellaneous Context created by materials team for surface finds
TARP2019 Stratigraphic Unit 1082 Context (default) Miscellaneous canceled
TARP2019 Stratigraphic Unit 1076 Context (default) Miscellaneous W. Cut filled by 1075
TARP2019 Stratigraphic Unit 1005 Context (default) Miscellaneous E: possible subfloor
TARP2019 Stratigraphic Unit 1004 Context (default) Miscellaneous E: rust colored lens
TARP2024 Stratigraphic Unit 12011 Context (default) Geological Bedrock along WCU_14 2024-06-24
TARP2024 Stratigraphic Unit 12010 Context (default) Geological Bedrock in eastern half of trench 2024-06-24
TARP2024 Stratigraphic Unit 11021 Context (default) Geological Bedrock sloping west from NE corner of trench 2024-06-24
TARP2022 Stratigraphic Unit 7063 Context (default) Geological Bedrock in space below circular structure 2024-06-24
TARP2022 Stratigraphic Unit 7062 Context (default) Geological Bedrock in space south of 7007 2024-06-24
TARP2022 Stratigraphic Unit 7061 Context (default) Geological Bedrock in space north of 7007 2024-06-24
TARP2022 Stratigraphic Unit 5059 Context (default) Geological Bedrock under 5055 2024-06-24
TARP2022 Stratigraphic Unit 5058 Context (default) Geological Brown clay east of 5054 2024-06-24
TARP2022 Stratigraphic Unit 5055 Context (default) Geological Brown clay west of 5054 2024-06-24
TARP2022 Stratigraphic Unit 4035 Context (default) Geological Bedrock at bottom of drain 2024-06-24
TARP2022 Stratigraphic Unit 4033 Context (default) Geological Bedrock W of drain 2024-06-24
TARP2022 Stratigraphic Unit 4024 Context (default) Geological Light brown bedrock 2024-06-24
TARP2022 Stratigraphic Unit 4018 Context (default) Geological Compact, grey fill with orange inclusions 2024-06-24
TARP2021 Stratigraphic Unit 3048 Context (default) Geological 2024-06-24
TARP2021 Stratigraphic Unit 3046 Context (default) Geological Red/orange sand; stereo 2024-06-24
TARP2019 Stratigraphic Unit 2093 Context (default) Geological Bedrock in north window 2024-06-24
TARP2019 Stratigraphic Unit 2063 Context (default) Geological Friable rock in extension 2024-06-24
TARP2019 Stratigraphic Unit 1118 Context (default) Geological W. Bedrock underlying 1096 2024-06-24
TARP2019 Stratigraphic Unit 1096 Context (default) Geological W. Layer underlying 1049 2024-06-24
TARP2024 Stratigraphic Unit 15014 Context (stone structure) Architecture foundation course below wall 15011
TARP2024 Stratigraphic Unit 15011 Context (stone structure) Architecture East-west wall in eastern area of trench
TARP2024 Stratigraphic Unit 15007 Context (stone structure) Architecture Eastern wall approx 2.5 m west of eastern edge of trench
TARP2024 Stratigraphic Unit 15006 Context (stone structure) Architecture Western wall approx 3 m from western edge of trench
TARP2024 Stratigraphic Unit 13026 Context (stone structure) Architecture Narrowed wall built on foundations of SU 13011
TARP2024 Stratigraphic Unit 13023 Context (stone structure) Architecture Modern concrete pour along S wall WCU_15
TARP2024 Stratigraphic Unit 13019 Context (stone structure) Architecture Wall in fill of cut SU 13018
TARP2024 Stratigraphic Unit 13011 Context (stone structure) Architecture Foundation stones for structure B
TARP2024 Stratigraphic Unit 12013 Context (stone structure) Architecture Modern concrete foundations beneath WCU_6 (L-shaped wall)
TARP2024 Stratigraphic Unit 12012 Context (stone structure) Architecture Modern concrete along N wall WCU_13