


2. VV2021 Trench stratigraphy summary


The results of the 2021 campaign confirmed the interpretation of the posthole as being stonelined and probably representing several resettings of posts in connection with different phases of the structure. Hence, the posthole could not be related to just one or a few phases of the structure, but, most likely to all .                                                  

As for the sooty organic layer containing cauldron pieces, it could be concluded that it was slightly differing in depth, varying between 0,15 to 0,25 m in thickness (see Figure 14 and 16). As with the floor and leveling layers overlying it, differentiating between phases within the layer was difficult during stratigraphic excavation, considering the varying depth and mottled characteristics in terms of content. Contrary to what was hypothesized prior to the excavations of 2021, no additional cauldron pieces were retrieved from the sooty organic layer during this campaign. The excavations did however, record a number of such finds in situ. These were all recorded either within the floor layers overlying the sooty organic layer or in two pits dug into the floor layers excavated just south of the posthole.    

Date Created

April 21, 2023

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en LU


en CC-BY 4.0

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VV2021 report 4 Trench A


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