


12. GH2021 Artifact Class IV: foodstuffs/foodways


Bones of fish and animals were present throughout the excavation area. The diving archaeologist collected these by hand, and others were extracted on deck from the dredge spoil contained in the catchment bags. See the osteoarchaeological finds list attached.
In the category of foodstuffs/foodways, the most important materials recovered in the 2021 excavation are a variety of imported spices. The trench produced a large quantity of saffron (about 4 dl) from several discrete deposits in a confined locus, and peppercorns (figure 11). Concentrations of other potential spices were observable in the vertical section of the trench; these were left undisturbed for future investigation. The team collected two one-liter sediment samples for analysis at LU by the project’s archaeobotanist, revealing almonds, cloves and ginger among many other plant remains. The saffron, cloves, and ginger from Gribshunden are the only finds of these spices in the medieval Scandinavian archaeological record. These finds confirm medieval written references to consumption of these botanicals, and provide insight into the elite environment aboard the king’s flagship.

Record creator

Date Created

August 16, 2022

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en CC-BY 4.0

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Items with "Paragraph(s): 12. GH2021 Artifact Class IV: foodstuffs/foodways"
GH2021 Report 2
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GH2021 saffron- photo by Morgan Olsson Blekinge Museum
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GH2021 basket- photo by Morgan Olsson Blekinge Museum