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Image Title Entity Type Description Creation date
GH2002 find A009 (3D model) 3D model object 3D model of the gun-carriage find A009 2022-07-30
GH2002 find A008 (3D model) 3D model object 3D model of the gun-carriage find A008 2022-07-30
GH2002 find A003 (3D model) 3D model object 3D model of the gun-carriage find A003 2022-07-30
GH2002 find A001 (3D model) 3D model object 3D model of the gun-carriage find A001 2022-07-30
GH2021 find ABigGun Find gun-carriage Wooden gun-carriage 2022-07-30
GH2002 find A012 Find gun-carriage Wooden gun-carriage Square oak log with hemispherical reces ... 2022-07-30
GH2002 find A010 Find gun-carriage Wooden gun-carriage Square oak log with hemispherical reces ... 2022-07-30
GH2002 find A009 Find gun-carriage Wooden gun-carriage Square oak log with hemispherical reces ... 2022-07-30
GH2002 find A008 Find gun-carriage Wooden gun-carriage Square oak log with hemispherical reces ... 2022-07-30
GH2002 find A003 Find gun-carriage Wooden gun-carriage Square oak log with hemispherical reces ... 2022-07-30
GH2002 find A001 Find gun-carriage Wooden gun-carriage  Square oak log with hemispherical ... 2022-07-30
GH2002 find A007 Find gun-carriage Wooden gun-carriage.  Square oak log with hemispherica ... 2022-07-30
GH2002 find A007 (3D model) 3D model object 3D model of the gun-carriage find A007  2022-07-30
GH2019 Ship area 1 Investigation area other The shipwreck area in its entirety as documented in 2019 ... 2022-07-30
GH2019 trench 1 Investigation area excavation trench Rectangular trench6 x 2-meter large, excavated on the starbo ... 2022-07-30
GH2021 context 2002 Context (fill/layer/deposit) layer A layer of trench 2 excavated between  27-05-2021 and 3 ... 2022-07-28
GH2021 trench 2 on May 31 (3D model) 3D model underwater feature The 3D model of trench 2 on  May 31 2022-07-28
GH2021 context 2003 Context (fill/layer/deposit) layer A layer of trench 2 excavated between 31-05-2021 and 02-06-2 ... 2022-07-25
GH2021 context 2001 Context (fill/layer/deposit) layer A layer of trench 2 excavated between XX-05-2021 and 26-05-2 ... 2022-07-25
GH2021 trench 2 on June 2 (3D model) 3D model underwater feature The 3D model of trench 2 on June the 2nd 2022-07-21
GH2021 trench 2 on May 26 (3D model) 3D model underwater feature The 3D model of trench 2 on  May 26 2022-06-06
GH2021 trench 2 Investigation area excavation trench Rectangular trench excavated on the starboard side amidships ... 2022-06-06
GH2021 context 1001 test Context (default) layer context created to draw the gun's hotspot
GH2021 BKM gun 9 (3D model) 3D model find 3Dmodel 3D model of Gun 9 2022-04-06
GH2021 A237 (3D model) 3D model object 3D model of Artifact A 237 (gun) 2022-04-06
GH2021 Ship area 1 Investigation area other The shipwreck area in its entirety as documented in 2019, wi ... 2022-04-06
Test GH context Context (default) layer Test GH
Derudas, Paola Person
Gribshunden Campaign 2021 Investigation campaign research investigation During the period 16 May to 5 June, Blekinge Museum and Lund ... 2021-10-06
GH 2019 layer 7 Context (default) layer Layer 7 of trench 1 2021-06-24
GH2019 layer 6 Context (default) layer Layer 6 of trench 1 2021-06-24
GH2019 layer 5 Context (default) layer Layer 5 of trench 1 2021-06-24
GH2019 find A63 Find geological sample sample 2021-06-23
GH2019 find A60 Find metal object metal concretion 2021-06-23
GH2019 find A59 Find wooden object Part of jug 2021-06-23
GH2019 find A58 Find barrel hoop barrel hoops (wicker) 2021-06-23
GH2019 find A57 Find barrel lid Barrel lid with a plug (half lid) 2021-06-23
GH2019 find A56 Find barrel stave barrel stave 2021-06-23
GH2019 find A55 Find barrel stave Barrel stave. Dark colour on the insida of stave. 2021-06-23
GH2019 find A54 Find barrel stave Barrel stave with square hole 2021-06-23
GH2019 find A53 Find barrel stave Barrel stave, smaller with tap (plugg) 2021-06-23
GH2019 find A52 Find barrel stave barrel stave 2021-06-23
GH2019 find A51 Find barrel lid barrel lid with a rectangular square 2021-06-23
GH2019 find A50 Find barrel lid barrel lid 2021-06-23
GH2019 find A49 Find barrel lid barrel lid 2021-06-23
GH2019 find A48 Find barrel lid barrel lid 2021-06-23
GH2019 find A47 Find wooden object fire wood 2021-06-23
GH2019 find A43 Find bone sturgeon bone 2021-06-23
GH2019 find A45 Find fabric fragment of cloth 2021-06-23
GH2019 find A43 Find bone sturgeon bone 2021-06-23
GH2019 find A42 Find bone sturgeon bone 2021-06-23
GH2019 find A41 Find bone sturgeon bone 2021-06-23
GH2019 find A40 Find bone sturgeon bone 2021-06-23
GH2019 find A39 Find bone sturgeon bone 2021-06-23
GH2019 find A38 Find bone sturgeon bone 2021-06-23
GH2019 find A37 Find rope rope fragment 2021-06-23
GH2019 find A36 Find lead shot Lead shot, found underneath lid A35 2021-06-23
GH2019 find A35 Find plate wooden plate 2021-06-23
GH2019 find A34 Find basket Barrel lid with brand (house mark/merchants mark 2021-06-23
GH2019 find A33 Find jar lathed jar with lid. Well preserved, with mark (crown?) 2021-06-23
GH2019 find A32 Find metal concretion metal concretion 2021-06-23
GH2019 find A31 Find flint Barlast bits of flint (shiny) 2021-06-23
GH2019 find A30 Find spindle whorl spindle whorl 2021-06-23
GH2019 find A29 Find wooden object Arrow crossbow? 2021-06-23
GH2019 find A28 Find flint Barlast bits of flint (shiny) 2021-06-23
GH2019 find A27 Find organic material A white lump of organic material 2021-06-23
GH2019 find A26 Find metal object foot of a metal can 2021-06-23
GH2019 find A25 Find wooden object Part of jar 2021-06-23
GH2019 find A24 Find wooden object Hand cannon, remains of metal 2021-06-23
GH2019 find A23 Find sherd ceramic sherd, rim 2021-06-23
GH2019 find A22 Find bone Animal bones, possibly beef 2021-06-23
GH2019 find A21 Find lead shot Lead shot 2021-06-23
GH2019 find A20 Find wooden object Part of boarding plank 2021-06-23
GH2019 find A19 Find wooden object Reinforcement, lag vessels. 2021-06-23
GH2019 find A18 Find flint Sample of flint barlast 2021-06-23
GH2019 find A17 Find metal concretion Concretion of metal found underneath the chian mail and coin ... 2021-06-23
GH2019 find A16 Find handle Piece of wood, handle? hollowed out 2021-06-23
GH2019 find A15 Find rope rope 2021-06-23
GH2019 find A14 Find barrel lid Barrel lid with brand (house mark/merchants mark 2021-06-23
GH2019 find A13 Find mail fragment of chain mail 2021-06-23
GH2019 find A12 Find fragment piece of leather 2021-06-23
GH2019 find A11 Find mail part of chain mail + leather 2021-06-23
GH2019 find A10 Find barrel stave barrel stave 2021-06-23
GH2019 find A9 Find coin coins in concretion 2021-06-23
GH2019 find A8 Find coin coins in concretion 2021-06-23
GH2019 find A7 Find crossbow Crossbow (part of) 2021-06-23
GH2019 find A6 Find bone Sturgeon bone 2021-06-23
GH2019 find A5 Find knife blade Sheath (knife blade?) 2021-06-23
GH2019 find A4 Find handle Piece of wood, Handle 2021-06-23
GH2019 find A3 Find bowl Part of bowl/pewter 2021-06-23
GH2019 find A2 Find handle Handle (remains of iron?) 2021-06-23
GH2019 find A1 Find ring Brass ring with inscriptions/symbols. Possible makers mark. ... 2021-06-23
GH2019 layer 4 Context (default) layer Layer 4 of trench 1 2021-06-23
GH2019 layer 3 Context (default) layer Layer 3 of trench 1 2021-06-23
GH2019 layer 2 Context (default) layer Layer 2 of trench 1 2021-06-23
GH2019 layer 1 Context (default) layer Layer 1 of trench 1 2021-06-23
GH2019 layer 6 basketry Context (default) feature The basketry feature identified in layer 6 of tren ... 2021-05-18
GH2019 layer 6 barrel hoops Context (default) feature The barrel hoops features identified in layer 6 of trench 1 ... 2021-05-18
GH2019 layer 6 loose timbers Context (default) feature The loose timber features identified in layer 6 of ... 2021-05-18
GH2019 layer 6 futtocks Context (default) feature The futtock features identified in layer 6 of trench 1 ... 2021-05-18
GH2019 layer 6 barrel staves Context (default) feature The barrel stave features identified in layer 6 of ... 2021-05-18
GH2019 layer 6 shingle Context (default) feature The shingle feature in layer 6 of trench 1 2021-05-18
GH2019 layer 6 beam shelf Context (default) feature The beam shelf feature in layer 5 of trench 1 2021-05-18
GH2019 layer 6 top timber Context (default) feature The top timber feature identified in layer 6 of trench ... 2021-05-18
GH2019 layer 6 lapstrake planking Context (default) feature The lapstrake planking features identified in layer 6 o ... 2021-05-18
GH2019 layer 6 frames Context (default) feature 2021-05-18
GH2019 layer 5 frames Context (default) feature The frame features identified in layer 5 of trench 1 ... 2021-05-17
GH2019 layer 5 lapstrake planking Context (default) feature The lapstrake planking features identified in layer 5 o ... 2021-05-17
GH2019 layer 5 top timber Context (default) feature The top timber feature identified in layer 5 of trench ... 2021-05-17
GH2019 layer 5 beam shelf Context (default) feature The beam shelf feature in layer 5 of trench 1 2021-05-17
GH2019 layer 5 barrel staves Context (default) feature The barrel stave features identified in layer 5 of ... 2021-05-17
GH2019 layer 5 futtocks Context (default) feature The futtock features identified in layer 5 of trench 1 ... 2021-05-17
GH2019 layer 5 barrels Context (default) feature The barrel features identified in layer 5 of trench 1 ... 2021-05-17
GH2019 A7 (3D model) 3D model find 3Dmodel model of find A7 in situ 2021-05-12
GH2019 trench 1 layer7 Investigation area excavation trench The seventh land last ayer of the rectangular 6 x 2-meter la ... 2021-05-11
GH2019 trench 1 layer6 Investigation area excavation trench The sixth layer of the rectangular 6 x 2-meter large trench& ... 2021-05-11
GH2019 trench 1 layer5 Investigation area excavation trench The fifth layer of the rectangular 6 x 2-meter large trench& ... 2021-05-11
GH2019 layer 4 loose timber Context (default) feature The loose timber features identified in layer 4 of tren ... 2021-05-11
GH2019 layer 4 barrel staves Context (default) feature The barrel stave features identified in layer 4 of ... 2021-05-11
GH2019 layer 4 futtocks Context (default) feature The futtock features identified in layer 4 of trench 1 ... 2021-05-11
GH2019 layer 4 frames Context (default) feature The frame features identified in layer 4 of trench 1 ... 2021-05-11
GH2019 layer 4 barrels Context (default) feature The barrel features identified in layer 4 of trench 1 ... 2021-05-11
GH2019 trench 1 layer4 Investigation area excavation trench The fourth layer of the rectangular 6 x 2-meter large trench ... 2021-05-11
GH2019 layer 3 crossbow stock Context (default) feature 2021-05-11
GH2019 layer 3 metal concretion Context (default) feature The metal concretion feature identified in layer 3 ... 2021-05-29
GH2019 layer 3 barrel staves Context (default) feature The barrel stave features identified in layer 3 of trench 1 ... 2021-05-11
GH2019 layer 3 barrels Context (default) feature The barrel features identified in layer 3 of trench 1 ... 2021-05-11
GH2019 layer 3 frames Context (default) feature The frame features identified in layer 3 of trench 1 2021-05-11
GH2019 layer 3 futtocks Context (default) feature The futtock features identified in layer 3 of trench 1 ...
GH2019 trench 1 layer 3 Investigation area excavation trench The third layer of the rectangular 6 x 2-meter large trench& ... 2021-05-11
GH2019 layer 2 timber Context (default) feature The timber features identified in layer 2 of trench 1 ... 2021-05-11
GH2019 trench 1 layer 2 Investigation area excavation trench The second layer of the rectangular 6 x 2-meter large trench ... 2021-05-11
GH2019 Report 1 Report At Stora Ekön, outside Ronneby in southern Sweden, in t ... 2021-05-07
GH2019 layer 2 artefacts Context (default) layer
GH2019 layer 2 barrel lids Context (default) layer 2021-05-06
GH2019 layer 2 barrel staves Context (default) layer 2019-05-06
GH2019 layer 1 beam shelf Context (default) layer The beam shelf feature in layer 1of trench 1 2021-05-06
GH2019 layer 1 frames Context (default) layer the frame features retrieved in layer1 of trench 1 2021-05-06
GH2019 layer 1 barrel staves Context (default) layer the barrel stave features retrieved in layer1 of trench 1 ... 2021-05-06
GH2019 layer 1 Barrel lids Context (default) layer The barrel lids feature retrieved in the first layer of tren ...
GH2019 A33 (3D model) 3D model find 3Dmodel model of find A33 in situ 2021-05-05
GH2019 trench 1 layer 1 Investigation area excavation trench The first layer of the rectangular 6 x 2-meter large trench& ... 2021-05-04
GH2019 Whole wreck (3D model) 3D model underwater feature The 3D model of the wreck at the beginning of the excavation ... 2021-05-04
Gribshunden Campaign 2019 Investigation campaign research investigation At Stora Ekön, outside Ronneby in southern Sweden, in t ... 2021-05-03
GH2019 trench 1 on September 5 (3D model) 3D model underwater feature The 3D model of trench 1 on  September 2 ... 2021-05-03
GH2019 trench 1 on September 2 (3D model) 3D model underwater feature The 3D model of trench 1 on  August 28 ... 2021-05-03
GH2019 trench 1 on August 31 (3D model) 3D model underwater feature The 3D model of trench 1 on  August 31 ... 2021-05-03
GH2019 trench 1 on August 30 (3D model) 3D model underwater feature The 3D model of trench 1 on  August 30 ... 2021-05-03
GH2019 trench 1 on August 29 (3D model) 3D model underwater feature The 3D model of trench 1 on  August 29 ... 2021-05-03
GH2019 trench 1 on August 28(3D model) 3D model underwater feature The 3D model of trench 1 on  August 28 ... 2021-05-03
GH2019 trench 1 on August 27(3D model) 3D model underwater feature The 3D model of trench 1 on  August 27 ... 2021-05-03