
en TARP2023_SU_8005


en TARP2023 Stratigraphic Unit 8005

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en SU 8005 represents a grey-ish, fairly compacted soil fill inside the far eastern end of Drain 3. SU 8005 had a lot of tile/pottery sherds, fist sized or smaller sandstone inclusions, ecofacts, and was charcoal rich. SU 8005 was streaked through with bits of red, which may have been degraded bits of sandstone and/or pottery. These cultural materials sloped northward and downward into Area A and onto the top of SU 8006. SU 8005 was originally excavated as a window into Drain 3 but was determined to better be used as an extension of Area A. A small portion of SU 8020 (s yellow soil leveling fill laid in preparation for SU 8013, the lining of Drain 3) can be seen in the photos of SU 8005.

Excavation date

December 6, 2023

Record creator

Investigation site

Date Created

May 30, 2024

Rights Holder

en University of Cincinnati (US)


en CC-BY 4.0

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Items with "Contexts: TARP2023 Stratigraphic Unit 8005"
TARP2023 Trench 8000


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