


TS2023 context 607

Context type


Context subtype


Formation category


Cut of a pit


The cut c607 corresponds to the pit of the single burial F2. Cut into the layer c605, it is filled with c635 (a thin layer found under the skeletal resulted from the decomposition of the body and maybe possible organic material), the stones elements c637, the skeleton c623 and the burial fill (c619), as well as some elements of the stone cover (c614, c618, c626). In plan the cut has an oval shape of 1,35 m length and 1,20 width, oriented west-east, like the neaby burial F1. It is a shallow pit (0.27 m depth), with stepped sides on the western and eastern ends, more straight on the south-western and northern side. The uneven base of the cut is marked by a gentle slope to the north-east. Its irregularity is due to bioturbations (especially animal burrows), and the nature of the embedding layer (c605), interpreted as a fill containing mixed material (soil, CBP, pottery, limestone gravel inclusions).

Excavation date

July 19, 2023

Excavation technique



Investigation site

en Toumba Serron

Shape in plan

en oval



Height measure unit

en meter



Width measure unit

en meter



Depth measure unit

en meter

Excavated amount

en 100%

Cut corners

en rounded

Break of slope at the top

en sharp
en gradual

Break of slope at the base

en not perceptible

Profile of slopes

en concave
en near-vertical
en stepped
en shallow

Shape of base

en concave
en uneven



Record completeness status


Date Created

July 23, 2023

Rights Holder

en Ephorate of Antiquities of Serres. Hellenic Ministry of Culture (Greece)
en University of York (UK)
en National Cheng Kung University (Taiwan)
en Lund University (Sweden)


en CC-BY 4.0

Notes or comments

Drawing : #2 (cumulative crosse section)
TS23 H899 27 (3D Model)

Linked resources

Items with "Associated contexts: TS2023 context 607"
TS2023 Feature 2
Items with "Contexts: TS2023 context 607"
TS Area 5 (H8)
Items with "Item represented: TS2023 context 607"
TS23 H899 10 (3D Model)
Items with "Above: TS2023 context 607"
TS2023 context 610
TS2023 context 635
Items with "Above: TS2023 context 607"
TS2023 context 637
Items with "Find(s) retrieved: TS2023 context 607"
TS2023 context 605
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H899 c607 pre-ex (1)
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H899 c607 pre-ex (2)
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H899 c607 pre-ex (3)
4 / 5
H899 c607 (1)
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H899 c607 (2)

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