


TS2023 context 600

Context type


Context subtype



Top Soil


C600 corresponds to the top soil of the whole trench down to preserved in situ remains found at 40 cm to 60 cm depth. It was dug from south to north, with an excavator fitted with a toothed bucket of 50 cm width, which led some scars on the surface.

The first 20 cm correspond to very loose top soil of light brown clayish silt, with small stones, disturbed by agricultural activities, plant roots, and animal burrows. This layer is above the two burials F1 (c606, c603) and F2 (c602, c609=c610, c614, c618), the enclosure c601, the nearby layers c605, c604, c620 and the stones deposit in the southern limit of the trench (c611, c615).

[Previous notes on paper recordings :At the south limit of the trench. it supposed to be the inside area of trench set C604 and the redish brown area which is apart from south limit consider to be the ditch set C601 but it seems like a wall after excavated. And there is a skeleton at the 10m far from south wall, which set C603(F1) The machine clean from north to south.]


Excavation date

July 4, 2023

Excavation technique

Investigation site

Location in the investigation area



Depth measure unit

en meter

Excavated amount

en 100%



en Pottery
en Lithics
en Animal bone
en Ceramic Building Material
en Marble
en Shell

Sediment type

en coarse-grained sediments


en loose

Contact area boundaries

en diffuse

Bottom boundary

en diffuse

Context color modifier

en light

Context color

en brown

Grain size

en course

Composition modifier

en clayey


en silt

Record completeness status


Date Created

July 15, 2023

Date Modified

October 11, 2023

Rights Holder

en Ephorate of Antiquities of Serres. Hellenic Ministry of Culture (Greece)
en National Cheng Kung University (Taiwan)
en University of York (UK)
en Lund University (Sweden)


en CC-BY 4.0

Notes or comments

Some possible human bones have been retrieved coming from the disturbed burial F1. Amoung the lithic finds, we should notice the presence of possible grindstone, a flint and a piece of quartz.

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TS23 H899 01

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