
Berggren, Åsa





Linked resources

Items with "Record creator: Berggren, Åsa"
VV2023 context 1051
VV2023 context 1053
VV2023 context 1055
VV2023 context 1058
Items with "Campaign participants: Berggren, Åsa"
Västra Vång campaign 2023
Items with "Excavated by: Berggren, Åsa"
SS2020 excavation unit 102.D6
SS2020 excavation unit 102.D7
Items with "Excavated by: Berggren, Åsa"
VV2023 context 1051
VV2023 context 1053
VV2023 context 1055
VV2023 context 1058
VV2023 context 1060
VV2023 context 1061
VV2023 context 1062
Items with "Investigated by: Berggren, Åsa"
VV2023 Trench B
VV2023 Trenches A & B
Items with "Investigation campaign responsible(s): Berggren, Åsa"
Södra Sallerup 2019
Södra Sallerup 2020
Södra Sallerup 2024