


3. VV2019 Trench location and extension


Trench A was placed matching the location of  the southeastern corner of Trench A from the campaigns 2017  and 2019.  The topsoil was removed until the stratigraphy as of end of excavation 2019 was reached.  An IBM acquisition was made before topsoil removal. Depth of topsoil ranging between  0,20 m to 0,30 m. The exposed surface was manually cleaned and an IBM acquisition was made.

The trench was then extended in the southern corner by 1,00 square meter in southern direction. The topsoil in the extension was removed and the surface manually cleaned, after this another IBM acquisition was made.  The full extension of Trench 2021 had an  rectangular shape with a breath of 2,00 meter, and a lenght of 3,00 meters.

The sooty layer context 1013, the posthole context 1031 and the newly one square meter located in the southeastern corner were all excavated simultaneously.

Date Created

April 21, 2023

Rights Holder

en LU


en CC-BY 4.0

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Items with "Paragraph(s): 3. VV2019 Trench location and extension"
VV2021 report 4 Trench A


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[ 0 , 0 , 0 ]
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