


TS2024 feature 10

Feature type


Location in the investigation area


This feature includes the wall C907 and the foundation cut that cuts around it on the outside. The existence of the foundation cut that cuts the oven structure c903 suggests that the house was built after the ovan. The wall forms an oval shape and covers the W side of the trench. In the interior of the house (908/909) there were lots of findings, mostly pottery from the late neolithic II. On and around the wall there are many holes some of them (13) could be portholes but most of them are from animal disturbance.

Investigation site

en Toumba Serron

Cuts feature

Record creator

Date Created

July 19, 2024

Rights Holder

en University of York (UK)


en CC-BY 4.0

Linked resources

Items with "Feature: TS2024 feature 10"
TS2024 context 907
Items with "Feature : TS2024 feature 10"
TS2024 context 908
TS2024 context 910
Items with "Cut by feature: TS2024 feature 10"
TS2024 feature 9
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