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Collected Item: “SS2024 excavation unit 101.G12 spit 2”

Record creator

Sperber Talley, Nadja

Identifier (ex: SS2019_eu_101.D6)


Title (ex. SS2019 excavation unit 101.D6)

SS2024 excavation unit 101.G12 spit 2

Excavation unit description

Day 4. Monday 20th of May 2024. Excavation of spit 2 ca 5 cm into the new layer. See Profilritning 3. Because of the dry weather we used water to moisturize and loosen up the dry soil of the quadrant. We excavated a lot of heavy grey sandy clay and moraine soil filled with clay. The layer was mixed with stones ca 3-4 cm i diameter, but not as numerous as in spit 1. The moraine was located as a huge lump to the north and smaller lumps in the north-west corner as well as in the south east corner. The centre of the quadrant was relatively free of it. Reaching 5 cm into the layer the orange clay started to surface. The new surface was smoothed with Amandas "jordskärer" to leave the layer in fine condition. Our estimate of soil composition is 70% of sandy clay, 5% stones and 25% moraine clay. The different type of soils were categorized as compact and fat. Remnants of flint was far less than in spit 1. Flint flakes, waste and burnt flint was present but not in the same quantity as in Spit 1. We found a flint tool of undefinable character but retouched in the middle of the quadrant. The find of the day sifting through the heavy clay was a "tvärpil" arrow ca 1.5 cm and weighing 2 grams. Together with Dr. Åsa Berggren the arrow was categorized as an arrow from the time of the Ertebølle culture.
G12 appears to be a a small dump of flint waste mixed with very small flakes of carbon, yet with plenty of heavy grey clay and less orange coloured clay mainly in the northern edge.

Excavation unit type


Investigation campaign

Södra Sallerup 2024

Certainty of interpretation

medium confidence

Reference context

SS2024 context 101

The excavation unit above (SS2024_101.D6.s1)

101 spit 1

Excavated by

Sperber Talley, Nadja

Excavation technique


3D model(s)

S2024 G12 3D model

Context excavated amount in the excavation unit


Record completeness status


Notes or comments

Excavated with Amanda Viktorsson
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