


VV2017 paragraph 4


In the northern part of the trench, context 1016  was exposed,  interpreted as part of larger stone construction discovered in 2012/2013 composed of fist-sized stones with humus soil mixed in. It appeared to be very similar to context 1017, a context exposed in season 2013 and partially excavated in 2017. Two stones from the north border of the stone packing were removed for geo-sampling, whereas the context was truncated to investigate the stratigraphy through a section. The context continues in both east and west part of the trench.

In the southern part of the trench, context 1013,  a sooty layer in the southern part of the trench, was identified as the context exposed to extract some artefacts in 2013; it was only partially exposed in 2017 and not excavated.

Northside of context 1013, it was excavated context 1022 , a yellowish silty layer very compact and with brown patches, was interpreted as a possible floor layer distinguish in two phases: the first phase (under layer 1013) included finds 41,42, the second one on top of 1013 is probably a second floor or a "repatched" floor.

Context 1019, located southside context 1013, is a gravely thin layer composed of the moraine, stone and sand, interpreted as a small levelling layer.

Record creator

P. Derudas

Date Created

April 20, 2021

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en CC-BY 4.0

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Items with "Paragraph(s): VV2017 paragraph 4"
VV2017 report 1 trench A


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VV2017 context 1013
VV2017 context 1016
VV2017 context 1017
VV2017 context 1019
VV2017 context 1022
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The excavation progress on the 23rd of August 2017