The context 619 corresponds to the soil found inside the burial, under the cover made of stones. We assume that this layer is the result of infiltrations rather than a intentional fill after the deposit of the deceased because of the compaction (very loose), the coumpound bedding, the unevenly distribution in the inner space of the pit (thin layer between the stones and the bones in the area of the left femur and the pelvis, thicker at the level of the torso and on the edges, and the movement of some bones in the burial (right scapula, ribs, left coxal bone, etc.). Some finds have been retrieved, like pottery and CBM. A flint (619 #6), and seven shells (619 #13, 16, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26) have been recorded separately. Found in the area of the jaw and the right arm of the skeletal, it was not sure that they had been deposit intentionnaly with the individual c603. We can notice also the discovery of a large pottery sherd found under the stone cover near the southern edge of the pit (619 #9).
Considering that this layer came mostly from infiltrations, we assume that it blended with the soil of the layer c629 corresponding to the fill found between the stones of the cover.