The context 614 corresponds to the central part of the burial cover made of stones and a few pieces of CMB. It is synchronic and equal with c618, which corresponded initially to the outer row of the cover. That is why we will describe it altogether. Moreover, it is synchronic with the central stone c626.
Covering all the grave (L. 1.35 m x W. 1.20 m), with a general oval shape, this burial cover is made of a majority of angular stones from 15 cm to 40 cm length, and few pieces of CBM. It has been slighty damaged by modern ploughings and the excavation digger. During the excavation, it was possible to identify an outer row of stones (c618) lining the edge of the cut, especially on the southern, northern and western sides and of the grave. On the west, the stones were lying on the upper small step of the cut. In the middle, the thicker heap of stones and CBM, had collapsed in the pit, causing damages on the bone remains, especially from the middle part of the skeleton to the lower limbs. The seven pieces of CBM, measuring from 7 cm to 30 cm length, have been found on the bottom of the layer.
The space between the stones was filled with loose soil (c629), added to the stones or coming from infiltration through time.
On this cover (614, 618, 626) were found the deposits c608 and c617. That is why we assume that this construction served as burial cover and as burial marker.