


TS2023 context 609

Context type

en fill


Tertiary filling of the grave (out of use)

Certainty of interpretation

high confidence


The context 609 corresponds to a fine layer of soil partially covering the stones of the grave cover, on the eastern part of the grave. We assume that it is the last preserved layer of the burial, corresponding to the abandonment of the burial. This layer muse have been slightly disturbed by modern ploughing and excavator.  It may explained the coumpond bedding of this layer made of clayey silt with occasional whitish limestone gravel and occasional small stones inclusions. A few animal bone have been retrieved and they could possibly belong to the deposits c608 and c617. One notice that a stone bead (609 #5) has been found near the north-eastern limit of the grave.

Excavation date

July 6, 2023

Excavation technique

en excavator
en trowel

Investigation area

Investigation site

Location in the investigation area

Covering all the surface of the grave

Shape in plan

en oval





Length measure unit

en meter



Width measure unit

en meter



Depth measure unit

en meter

Excavated amount

en 100%



en Pottery
en Animal bone
en Ceramic Building Material


en soft

Contact area boundaries

en diffuse

Top boundary

en diffuse

Bottom boundary

en diffuse

Context color modifier

en dark

Context color hue

en greyish

Context color

en brown

Grain size

en course

Composition modifier

en clayey


en silt

Record completeness status

partially complete

Date Created

August 16, 2023

Rights Holder

en Ephorate of Antiquities of Serres. Hellenic Ministry of Culture (Greece)
en National Cheng Kung University (Taiwan)
en University of York (UK)
en Lund University (Sweden)


en CC-BY 4.0

Notes or comments

Finds bags to be added :
#1 : pottery
#2 : CBM
#3 : animal bones
#5 : stone bead

Linked resources

Items with "Context same as: TS2023 context 609"
TS2023 context 610
Items with "Associated contexts: TS2023 context 609"
TS2023 Feature 2
Items with "Contexts: TS2023 context 609"
TS Area 5 (H8)
Items with "Item represented: TS2023 context 609"
TS23 H899 02 (3D model)
TS23 H899 03 (3D Model)
Items with "Below: TS2023 context 609"
TS2023 context 608
TS2023 context 617
TS2023 context 629
Items with "Below: TS2023 context 609"
TS2023 context 614
TS2023 context 618
Items with "Above: TS2023 context 609"
TS2023 context 600
TS2023 context 602
Items with "Context: TS2023 context 609"
H899 Context 609 Find 5
TS2023 H899 context c609 find 02
TS2023 H899 context c609 find 03
TS2023 H899 context c609 find 1


Show planes Show edges
Measured length
[ 0 , 0 , 0 ]
Check All
TS23 H899 02
TS23 H899 03
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H899 c609 pre-ex (1)
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H899 c609 pre-ex (2)
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H899 c609 pre-ex (3)

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