


6. GH2021 Site Closure


For site closure in 2021, after consultation with experts regarding the benefits and drawbacks of geotextiles and sediment backfilling, we employed a new practice. Many pieces of firewood were scattered around the excavation locus, extracted from the 2019 and 2021 trenches. Some samples of this firewood were collected in 2019 for study; the remainder is of minimal archaeological value. At the close of the 2021 campaign, we gathered this firewood and placed it into textile bags, which were then placed into larger Tyvek bags. Disarticulated wooden cask staves not selected for recovery and study were similarly placed in bags. The Tyvek bags with the internal bags containing the wooden objects then were placed into the trench to backfill it. These were weighted with sand bags; the sand was purchased from a building supplier, and it is expected that the double-bagging process will prevent contamination of the wreck site as far as possible. By this practice, the volume of the trench was filled quickly and without disrupting the integrity of the surrounding site and sea floor. Because this backfill is contained in bags, it can be easily and quickly removed in the future, should the trench need to be re-opened. Similarly, if future research questions are posed of the firewood and cask component material contained within the bags, recovery will be simple.

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Date Created

August 16, 2022

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GH2021 Report 2


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GH2021 Figure 7